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Dear customers,

We kindly ask you to book asap with us in order to avoid disappointment.

We get booked very quickly because
we constantly run offers and we don't want to upset any of you.
The reason we have limited availability is that we are taking full responsibility of your booking, we offer 100% satisfaction guarantee and also our rates are significantly lower comparing to the market rates.  We do not reserve a date until the deposit has been paid.

Thank you for understanding!

Book a party with us!

Prior to booking a party with us please make sure to check with our team if we are available to take your booking.

Please check the travel costs for your area. We are not taking responsibility to confirm the travel costs.
So if you do not confirm priorly to making the booking with us, you agree with the fee we will charge you on the day.

In order to secure your booking with us we will charge a £20 deposit fee that will be deducted from the final fee.

Please make sure to read the T&C's before making a reservation!


Covered Areas

West Midlands
East Midlands
North London



Please check with a member of our team if we cover your area. Also, we advise to check the travel costs prior to booking a party with us.

© 2023 by Marfix Entertainment.

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